
Calculating Population Health Demand and Capacity in the Republic of Ireland using Insight™ AI Advanced Business Intelligence 

The Republic of Ireland Government funds the Health Service Executive (HSE) with €22.5B per annum*1.  This funding theoretically covers every Irish citizen for public health provision: population total is assumed at 5,149m.  The government-funded healthcare capitation rate is therefore c.€4,855 or $5,297.  Compared to other healthcare system rates, this is high (Dubai: $1,270*2, Bahrain $1,800*3, UK c. $3,841*4 – all of whom have plans to reduce costs and improve efficiency).

To understand the reasons behind the levels of government spending, the HSi population modelling, and associated Insight™ AI systems assessed the actual population health demand capacity requirement (including integrated finance, workforce, assets), and compare to the current factors in the Irish healthcare eco-system.

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